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Revision as of 15:15, 10 June 2019

Heeyoun Kim

Hyk title.jpg

Working in progress with images

General issue

General issue_1

1. Dessau is struggling with the demographic size issue.
2. In these days, total population size is 82919, smallest number in the region of Sachsen-Anhalt.
3. Population decreasing rate is radical, has decreased to 5.65% from 2009 to 2015.
4. Average age, 50.00, is also higher than other regions, 2.46 more than total average age of Sachsen- Anhalt.
5. The situation, reducing population and increasing old age rates is similar with after WorldWar2.

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General issue_2

1. Dessau has a plan to celebrate 100 year Bauhaus-Dessau.
2. They are repairing Dessau-Bauhaus and building new Bauhaus museum.(2018.10.30)
3. The new museum is being built on the East side, and old Bauhaus is located in the West side.
4. There are few ways to connect each side, such as underground path beneath the Dessau central station.
5. In order to deal this problem, solutions which can connect both sides are needed.

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Top-Down approach

1. Art and Bauhaus, Museum and(with) workshop

1-1. This project will be new Bauhaus; museum and workshop.
1-2. Beginning point is the relationship between art and architecture which was the theme of Bauhaus.
1-3. The boundary of the art has been expended. From extra ordinary to ordinary life, from the master to everyone.
1-4. 1917, with the manifest of the Bauhaus by Walter Gropius, even the Bauhaus expanded the meaning of ‘artists.
1-5. Nowadays, more and more people can produce and distribute art results.
1-6. Those kinds of activities can change the principle of museum; back to the workshop.

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2. City and Art, Topology and(with) typology.

2-1. From the previous part, arts should be closer to the ordinary life.
2-2. Topological analysis shows traditional topologies of museum was almost isolated space from the city.
2-3. There are few cases which tried to connect to the urban system with museum.
2-4. Topological criterial will follow the principle, but with other method.
2-5. In order to be ‘ordinary’, this project will suggest the museum (with workshop) should be a part of the city.
2-6. From the analysis of the typology, spatial strategy will be adapted to the topology.

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Bottom-Up approach

1. Robotic Technologies.

1. Robotic building technologies can provide new capacities of construction.
2. Basically, construction process contains; matter->material->architectural component->space
3. Robotic technologies can reduce from matter to components sequence.
4. For example, at the 2018 TUD Dessau workshop, Group1 succeed to use eps as molds to cast concrete.
5. It means, by using robotic technologies, we can reduce material, and energy for preparing ‘materials’.
6. Furthermore, Robotic technologies can solve the human resource issues(construction quality equalizing);
componential logic and qualities can be decided at preparing data for robot activities.
7. These properties can be suitable to the general issues from the site, Dessau

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1. Brutalism was not a style, kinds of aspect to deal materials.
2. From the same material, concrete, diverse aspects could be adapted.
3. In structural aspect, concrete was a medium which could be projected with structural properties.
4. In aspect level, concrete could use diverse languages of architecture, as a stone, as a timber, or as a melted stone.
5. In social level, raw concrete could reduce the construction duration as pre-cast concrete and it meant provide residence or functions as soon as possible.
6. These facts can be adapted to the Dessau and the aspect of the Art and Bauhaus.

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3. Robotic Brutalism.

1. Besides previous brutalism which used concrete with traditional architectural languages, robotic brutalism can project more abstract values.
2. It means structural and aesthetic aspects of brutalism can be integrated in this period.
3. This point was proved with prototype from TUD Group1 workshop model as combination between geometrical context and structural property.
4. One of the possibility from the workshop, robotic brutalism can expand the capacity of the beauty with material performance.

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1. Besides previous brutalism which used concrete with traditional architectural languages, robotic brutalism can project more abstract values.
2. It means structural and aesthetic aspects of brutalism can be integrated in this period.
3. This point was proved with prototype from TUD Group1 workshop model as combination between geometrical context and structural property.
4. One of the possibility from the workshop, robotic brutalism can expand the capacity of the beauty with material performance.

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